sábado, 11 de janeiro de 2014

Do Yoga Before You Need - Quality of Life in Practice

About Ancient Yoga (SwáSthya)

The first philosophy is practical and its name is SwáSthya. SwáSthya emphasizes a range techniques, among them breathing, concentration and physical techniques, that offer practitioners more energy – both inside and outside the classroom. Our practitioners are able to translate these techniques into better real-world performance.
The second philosophy is behavioral, focused on how to address different life situations. This philosophy proposes a pragmatic approach to improve the way we relate with others. A student once described this philosophy as “The 1 Minute Manager meets “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” and goes even further.
The final philosophy is speculative and proposes to observe reality through a different set of lenses, highlighting opportunities to improve performance and helping practitioners develop a long term vision. Because of its speculative nature, the proposition of this philosophy often becomes clearer through study.

Where to go next?

We recommend that you sign up for a complimentary class on the left so that you can experience for yourself what we do. Your next stop could be the way in which we work:  individualized instruction with expert teachers.

Yoga classes by skype: ley.neves
email: leyanieneves@gmail.com
whatsapp: +55 31 99701999

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